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3 Things that Should be on Every Property Manager’s To-Do List This Winter

January 27, 2020 0

With winter now here, you’ll have to update your to-do list. Hopefully you were able to successfully wrap up the projects you had intended to complete before the snow started to fly. But, if not, these projects may have to put on hold until next spring. Even so, winter isn’t a time of rest relaxation for a property manager. You’ll still have plenty to do. Consider these 3 things that should be on your checklist — one of them might require exchange older windows at the property you manage in Scarborough, ON for replacement windows.

1. Check the Windows

This is actually something that should be done in the summer or fall. But if you were unable to do so because of a full slate of other projects that kept you busy, you should now take the time to assess the condition of the windows. You don’t want tenants to get all riled up if they have drafty windows or windows that are hard to open and close this winter. If there are problems that can’t be remedied with weatherstripping and caulking, then call a replacement window store.

2. Check HVAC Equipment

Nothing will get tenants more upset than if the HVAC unit malfunctions. The unfortunate thing is that such mishaps have a bad habit of occurring on one of the coldest days of the winter season. You can’t afford such to have such equipment fail during the winter. In order to reduce the risks of any issues, get the HVAC equipment serviced by professionals. This includes furnaces and boilers. While you’re at it, make ongoing maintenance a commitment. You’ll find that instances of equipment failure are reduced, if not eliminated, with proper care.

3. Assess Snow Removal Arsenal

Are you ready for everything that comes with another Canadian winter in the GTA? Ensure that your snow removal equipment and supplies are in order and on standby. If you have snowblowers, ATVs with plows, or garden tractors with snowblower attachments, ensure that they’ve been serviced by a licensed small engine mechanic. You should also have backup equipment so that you’re not left high and dry if equipment fails. Also don’t forget to ensure that you have enough salt, shovels, and other things needed for snow removal this winter.

If this winter finds you looking for Scarborough, ON replacement windows, you can find what you’re looking for at Brock Doors and Windows Ltd. We have a solid selection of quality replacement windows, and we also provide installation services. You’ll be pleased to know that we have a great working relationship with property managers. We understand what property managers like you need, and we have the products, expertise, and manpower to help make a product of any size a resounding success. You can visit our Scarborough location at 2131 McCowan Rd Scarborough, ON M1S 3Y6. We can also be reached by phone at (416) 293-9777. One of our customer care associates will be pleased to help. Whether you call or visit, you can rest assured that we can help with your project from beginning to end.

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